“Navigating Long Island Sound” is a hands-on opportunity to practice navigating up or down Long Island Sound. Plus you get to do it on an incredible mega yacht!! https://arabellalifestyle.com/

This course will provide you with a comfortable environment while you follow along with the captain and crew as they navigate the currents in the East River and The Race, pass waypoints on the GPS, and identify harbors and landmarks along the way. This course goes between New York Harbor and Newport, RI.

After navigating the East River, Long Island Sound and The Race on Arabella, you will be more prepared to do it on your own or with other friends on a cruising boat.

These are some of things you will learn and practice during the course:


  • Current & Tides
  • Chart Reading
  • Setting Waypoints on a GPS
  • Establishing a Fix
  • Dead Reckoning

  • Navigation Landmarks
  • Ports of Call
  • Navigation Apps for your Smartphone
  • Navigating at Night

This course is taught on Arabella, a 157-ft three-masted mega yacht. Not only will you practice navigation, but you get to live aboard this incredible yacht for 2 days.

Dates & Schedule – October 12-14, 2018

1800-2000 – Students may board Arabella and spend the night (optional)
2000 – Introductions to the captain & crew, Trip overview

0730 – Final boarding of any students who did not spend the night
Continental breakfast will be served
0800 – Arabella weighs anchor and gets underway

Arabella will motor throughout the day and possibly raise sails if the wind conditions are beneficial. During the day, there will be a variety of workshops covering issues related to navigation. These will include:

  • Understanding Tides & Currents
  • Currents in the East River & The Race
  • Chart Plotting & Taking a Fix
  • GPS Navigation and Setting Way Points
  • The Navionics App for your Phone

During the trip, Arabella’s goal is to maintain at least an average speed of 8 knots. The trip is about 160 miles which equates to about 20 hours. If the conditions are mild on Saturday evening, Arabella will continue past sunset, giving students an opportunity to practice nighttime navigation. If conditions are rough, Arabella will anchor for the night and continue the next morning just before daybreak.

Upon arriving in Newport, very late Saturday night or on Sunday, Arabella will anchor in the harbor and guests can go to and from the vessel by launch service or dinghy.

Bonus Cruise Around Newport Harbor – If the weather is nice on Sunday afternoon, Arabella may go for a bonus cruise around Newport Harbor at 3 pm. Students are welcome to stay aboard for the harbor cruise before disembarking to shore. If you are returning to the New York area, there is a train from Kingston or you can form a group and do a 1-way car rental.

Who Can Enroll – This course is only open to Manhattan Sailing School graduates or Manhattan Yacht Club Members. If you qualify to enroll, you may also bring a guest.

Tuition & Discounts – The tuition is $590 per person, based on double occupancy of a cabin (you may also reserve a cabin by yourself for a single supplement of $350). There is a 5% discount for 2 people who sign up using one form, 10% for 3 and 15% for 4. The tuition includes your cabin plus continental breakfast and lunch on Saturday & Sunday. Dinner on Saturday is also included. Non-alcoholic beverages are included and other beverages may be purchased at Arabella’s bar.

Accommodations – All students will have the opportunity to sleep aboard Arabella for one or two nights. All cabins are double occupancy. Six cabins have over/under bunks. The rest of the cabins have queen or double size mattresses. All cabins have a private bathroom and shower. Cabins will be assigned when you arrive onboard.

Cancellation Policy – You can cancel your course up to two weeks in advance for a $100 administrative fee. Within the final two weeks, there is a 50% cancelation fee.

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